I became a member of RISC for ultimately two reasons: Personal and Professional. My personal connection to RISC comes from being a survivor of an abusive relationship, which was filled with sexual violence. I was a teenager at the time and I had no idea that if sex was being used to overpower someone it took away that person’s ability to consent, nor did I realize that’s what was happening to me. It was not until I was a year through my Masters in Social Work degree that I came to this realization. I had taken an interest in working with survivors of sexual violence pretty early on in my grad program and began focusing on this work in both a clinical and a macro context. It was through researching sexual violence that I realized I was part of the population I was so interested in supporting as a professional social worker. From then on out, I began using my education and sexual violence prevention interest as a way to heal and empower myself as well as the many other survivors out there in the world.